Concerns about the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 increase. We therefore wanted to update you on what we are doing to care for our customers and team members during this time. Our plan is as follows:

Your health comes first:

We are encouraging everyone to follow the best practices to protect the health and wellbeing of themselves, their family, and our community. We have implemented additional measures to ensure your safety as well as the safety of our team, including:

  • Introducing enhanced cleaning protocols, with particular focus on high traffic and high contact areas.
  • Increasing communications and reminders with our customers and team on important health and safety measures.

To protect yourself and others, we also ask that anyone who is feeling unwell refrain from visiting North 49.

Online physiotherapy, connecting digitally:

Our team is continuing to work normal business hours, but has the resources to see you remotely should you choose. We have been utilizing videoconferencing for our rural and remote customers throughout Saskatchewan, but given the recent events want to let you know we can utilize this technology for everyone. While we cannot provide hands on therapy, we can get a thorough history. From there we can talk you through how to assess your condition so we can provide you strategies to address it. These strategies may include, but are not limited to prescription of exercises that you can perform, advise on self mobilization techniques, and education of what activities to temporarily avoid. Click here for further information about this option.

Moving forward:

In addition to these steps, we will be monitoring the latest information including recommendations from Canada’s Public Health website and doing our part to stop the spread of this disease. We will continue to keep an eye on the situation and make further adjustments to our action plan if and when necessary. The health and well-being of our customers, team, and community are of utmost importance.

Thank you for your steadfast support. We are truly grateful!