
Vertigo Articles

What is Ramsay Hunt?

What is Ramsay Hunt?

If you follow the media, especially in regards to celebrities you may have heard that Canadian singer Justin Bieber was recently diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt and will have seen that his smile seems a...

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What is a Perilymphatic Fistula?

What is a Perilymphatic Fistula?

Do you or a patient of yours experience dizziness with coughing, loud sounds, or sudden altitude changes? If so, the symptoms maybe due to a perilymphatic fistula.  Let’s cover the 5 W’s of what a...

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Can Migraines Cause Dizziness?

Can Migraines Cause Dizziness?

Have you ever had headaches or dizziness impact your quality of life? With vestibular migraines individuals can unfortunately have a recurring problem with both.  What are Vestibular Migraines? A...

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“Back to the Basics” with Concussions

“Back to the Basics” with Concussions

Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in research published regarding concussions. This information has allowed care providers to better understand the pathophysiology and...

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What Is BPPV? Saskatoon Physiotherapist Explains

What Is BPPV? Saskatoon Physiotherapist Explains

Are you suffering from the symptoms of vertigo? If so, you may be struggling with BPPV, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. At North 49 Physical Therapy, located at Saskatoon, SK, our experienced team is ready to help you understand and conquer this debilitating issue. It’s time to find the BPPV treatment that works for you and get back to living your best life.

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